
It's time to understand how the question creators

think so that you can arrive at the correct answers confidently.


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Gain clarity on how the NPTE question creators think so that you can arrive

at the correct answers confidently! This Challenge will help you identify the major

reasons why someone wouldn't pass the NPTE... so that

you can avoid making the same mistakes!


For an exam that goes beyond the pure knowledge, Kyle Rice taught me how to understand how the questions are made and how to find the correct answer. Focused on proven techniques for test taking and mindset, I was able to improve my score significantly.

-Raoni S.

I was so nervous about taking the NPTE, and I had noticed that my scores weren’t going up like I wanted on the PEAT. After 4 months of studying, my PEAT score had only gone up 25 points. I took the Raise Your Score Challenge, and in 2 weeks, my score improved by 68 points! By continuing to apply the methods and tips Kyle taught me, my score jumped another 52 points on my PEATs. These score bumps gave me the confidence I needed walking into the NPTE, and I was able to pass on my first attempt!

-Taylor R.

Learning more information doesn't automatically raise your NPTE score.

This challenge will teach you how to apply your current knowledge so that

you gain the confidence you need to pass the NPTE!


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